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Welcome to Gadget Plus home of trending and amazing worldwide gadgets, please note that products on this store are directly imported from China which means delivery will vary depending order time and date. Most deliveries take 12 to 15 days Product Description : Advanced cleaning for households with pets. Save time by simultaneously vacuuming and wiping on multiple surfaces with our best CrossWave product for pet parentsEliminate pet dirt and remove stubborn stubborn dirt with a push of suction power and cleaning solution. Clean dirt anywhere your pet gets with the LED lights, the multi-surface brush roller for pet households and the multi-surface cleaning solution for pet householdsProvides wireless comfort with three cleaning modes: hard floor, rug and turbo pet mode. Safe and effective for use on tiles, sealed wooden floors, laminate, linoleum, rubber floor mats, compressed wood floors and much more. It also refreshes the carpetsTwo-tank technology. Keeps clean water and detergent separate from dirty water, pet hair, dirt and wasteSimplify cleaning after cleaning with the cleaning cycle at the touch of a button. Press the "Cleaning cycle" button and let the water flow through the CrossWave X7 Cordless Pet ProContains 1 litre of natural multi-surface cleaning solution for pet households Description Cleaning pet households has never been easier than with the CrossWave X7 Cordless Pet, our best CrossWave multi-surface cleaner for homes with pets. It sucks and washes simultaneously on sealed hard floors and rugs, combining the cleaning steps and saving you time. It is easy to grip and is perfect for frequent cleaning of pet dirt. Our pet parent engineers have integrated three different cleaning modes: hard floor mode, carpet mode, and TURBO PET mode to improve cleaning performance, especially for pet and everyday stuck messes. The CrossWave X7 Cordless Pet multi-surface cleaner also features LED lights to illuminate pet hair, dirt and waste while cleaning along the skirting boards and in corners. And unlike using a mop and bucket, you don't have to worry about bringing dirty water to the floor while cleaning, as our two-tank technology keeps the clean and dirty water separated. When you're done cleaning, CrossWave X7 Cordless cleans itself! It has a self-cleaning cycle that rinses the brush roller and the interior of the CrossWave multi-surface cleaner with clean water, so you have to clean up less of cleaning. It also comes with a 1 litre bottle of the door pet multi-surface cleaning solution, a multi-surface brush roller, a 3-in-1 bowl and a cleaning brush. And this device not only cleans pets, it also helps to save them! BISSELL proudly supports the BISSELL Pet Foundation and its task of saving homeless pets. When you buy a BISSELL product, you will also help save pets. We pride ourselves on developing products that help to prevent pet pollution, pet odours and the homelessness of pets disappear.